January 22, 2010

Friday 5 for January 22: Personal Adds

1. What’s your favorite “just add water!” food? (Weird. This is the second time in January I'm using this answer.)

2. What’s your favorite thing to add vinegar to?

3. What’s something weird you’ve added to normal food? Hey, I live 30 minutes from the factory. I wouldn't say the sauce is "weird," but the food combinations we grow accustomed to aren't always..."conventional."

4. What’s your favorite thing to add whipped cream to? (Sorry. Just being honest.)

5. What’s something you refuse to add anything to, even though most people add something?
Traditional Spellings.

(To participate, visit Friday5.org.)


  1. 1. What’s your favorite “just add water!” food?

    Johnny Walker Black (wait is that a "food"?)

    2. What’s your favorite thing to add vinegar to?

    Salad (boring but true)

    3. What’s something weird you’ve added to normal food?


    4. What’s your favorite thing to add whipped cream to?

    Well, since I try not to objectify people the way L. 'Ailina seems to (it said "Thing")I would have to refer to an actual "part" which I won't do out of decorum. ;) [kidding]

    5. What’s something you refuse to add anything to, even though most people add something?

    French Fries
